The success of your transaction is my highest priority!
Frank has completed over 11,220 signings and over twenty years of experience doing general Notary work, Estate Planning and Real Estate Loan Documents ( Refinances, Purchases, Seller, FHA, VA )
He is certified, Background-Screened and a member of the National Notary Association as well as Elite Certified with 123notary.com.
Marin Precision Notary has worked with attorneys in the notarization and execution of thousands of Living Trusts, Powers of Attorney, Medical Directives, Affidavits and more.
Frank has facilitated a wide variety of transactions, including: Corporate Contracts, Business Agreements, Stock Transfer Applications, Commercial Leases, Partnership Agreements, Child Support Documents.
He can receive and print documents from encrypted emails with two, high end, Dual Tray, HP printers. In addition, he has scanning capabilities, can execute pick-ups, drop-offs and receive overnight documents.
Each job is performed with your reputation in mind. Frank strives to exceed all of your expectations.
Because of the complexity and time sensitivity of this business, it is inevitable that problems sometimes occur. Frank is willing to go the extra mile and prides himself on helping you find solutions to those challenges in a timely and professional manner, so that you obtain the results you desire.

Frank is a member of The National Notary Association. It is the largest and oldest organization serving the nation’s Notaries. The NNA is the leading authority on the American Notary Public office and recognized nationally as the premier educator of ethical best practices for Notaries in the United States. Through its educational programs and its member-support services, the NNA provides the guidance Notaries need to comply with state laws, rules and requirements; to safeguard themselves from liability; to manage risk in order to prevent fraud and identity crimes and to perform professionally at the highest ethical level.

As Certified Notary Signing Agent, Frank is specifically trained to facilitate loan signings for Lenders and Title companies. Trained and Certified through the National Notary Association, which offers an industry-recognized program that emphasizes the understanding, interpretation and explanation of complex mortgage signing documents.

Frank is Background-Screened. In order to guard borrowers' private financial information, the mortgage industry requires all persons involved in the lending process to undergo background screenings. Lenders in turn instruct Title companies to ensure that everyone with access to mortgage documents has been screened. This requirement applies to everyone handling loan documents including Notaries who act as Signing Agents.
The NNA background screening includes identity verification, residence verification, federal criminal record database search, residence county criminal record search (through court records, not a database), state motor vehicle records search and an Office of Foreign Assets Control check.This comprehensive screening meets the highest Lender standards and is far more expansive than other screenings. It is therefore recognized and accepted by the nation's leading Title and Mortgage companies.

123notary.com Certification offers a variety of loan signing courses, including two Signing Agent certification tests. To pass these exams involves, detailed knowledge and understanding of a notary public’s responsibilities and the interpretation and explanation of complex mortgage signing documents. Frank is Elite certified (The highest and most prestigious, Certification awarded) by 123notary.com.

National Institute of Certified Estate Planners
The NICEP is one of our nation’s foremost professional educational and support organizations in Estate Planning. The NICEP provides educational courses and examinations to certify those professionals that successfully complete these programs with either the certification CEP® (Certified Estate Planner™), or MCEP® (Master Certified Estate Planner™). Frank has successfully completed both courses.

CMEP (Certified Master Estate Planner)
This program involves in-depth courses in Asset Protection, Advanced Insurance Concepts, Tax Savings Strategies, Advanced Planning Concepts, Family Limited Partnerships, Business Planning, Retirement Benefits, Nursing home Issues, and Ethics of an Estate Planner.

CEP (Certified Estate Planner)
These courses cover Living Trusts, Probate, Federal Estate and Gift Tax, Advanced Medical Directives, Medicare, Medi-Cal, Guardianship, and Insurance Concepts.
GEPC (Graduate Estate Planning Consultant)
Frank completed extensive courses through The National Institute for Estate Planners, covering such topics as Living Trusts and Technical Applications of Estate Planning Stategies, Proper Beneficiary Designations in the Estate Planning Process, Charitable Gifting, Trust Administration and Strategies, Stock Options and Strategies for Corporate Employees, Role of CPA and Estate Tax Strategies, Long Term Care, Ethical Wills in the Estate Planning Process, Insurance Planning Techniques, Estate Planning Due Diligence, Capture Personal Trust Investments Assets, The Effective Utilization of Life Insurance in the Estate Planning Process.

CSA (Certified Senior Advisor)
As a CSA, Frank has completed an in-depth comprehensive course on the challenges and concerns facing Seniors today. The course was taught by a nationally recognized panel of experts in Social Work, Law, Medicine, Gerontology, Geriatrics, Financial and Estate Planning. Some of the subjects that were covered, included: principles of aging, social aspects of aging, caregiving, chronic illnesses, Med-Cal Planning and more.
NNA (National Notary Association)
AARP (American Association of Retired People)
Notary Cafe